Welcome To The Web-Site Of The Multi-Talented Alan Holman!

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(Pictured Above) Alan Holman standing beside a window.
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Intro Video for an earlier version of this site ...

This web-site is (c) 2023 - A.A.H.M. Corporation. I express a mix of opinions, and ideas/concepts that I want to promote due to various good intentioned agendas, here. Some of the art within this web-site was created by Artificial Intelligence. If you are against the use of "A.I. art," you're welcome to submit your own better original art to replace any piece of A.I. art that you find within this web-site; if you're against A.I. art, and if you're not willing to replace it with your own art, then how the hell can I -- a talented writer who isn't talented in the visual arts -- have the art-filled site I want? Contact me at newlegend2005@yahoo.ca
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