I've been through a lot of shit and turmoil in my life that is none of your business. If you have a complaint, consider if it's actually really important before you mention it anywhere.

Author Alan Holman's Microcosm - Today's Top Music

If you have complaints or concerns about anything that is on this web-site, or anything that is arguably related to this web-site ... such as if the creator of this site offended you in any way

... first and foremost, consider all logical -- and even illogical -- reasons to forgive me; then buy me a cheeseburger.
... you can post a topic about your complaint or concern in the forum, and/or you can see if it has already been addressed in our Frequently Asked Questions, or you can e-mail me at newlegend2005@yahoo.ca -- Especially if you feel that this site or its author has broken any law, please contact me -- to see if I can resolve the issue -- before you consider contacting any other authority.
This web-site does not endorse violence of any sort aside for imaginary. Imaginary violence, such as speculating about who would win in a fight between Naruto Uzumaki and Usagi Yojimbo, is totally fine. Imaginary violence can be entertaining; whereas real violence is not encouraged at all, and it is in fact strongly discouraged.