BANANA CHAN, by Alan Holman.

(Pictured Above) The back of the main character, a young girl, as she looks forward at a possibly magical effect of the light which looks like some kind of magical wavy energy.

"Banana Chan" is a hilarious TV series about a girl with a funny name who just wants to be taken seriously. She's trying to carve out her own space in a world where powerful people are trying to shake things up. Will she succeed by episode 36? Find out by reading the whole story!

The author, Alan Holman, had a lightbulb moment for this show while chilling with friends in a high school corridor dubbed the 'Corridor of Insanity.' They were sipping on Coke, munching on ham-and-cheese sandwiches, and dreaming up wild ideas. While everyone else gave up on their projects, Alan is determined to see Banana Chan on TV. Now, he just needs to figure out how to pitch it!

The series is set in a fictional version of Japan, where Banana navigates her past and tries to find her place in a world that's constantly changing. She values her privacy but finds herself becoming the center of attention. Among a cast of quirky characters, Banana emerges as a hero in her own right.

Fans have been following Banana Chan's journey for over 20 years, and the author's dedication to the project is unwavering. If you've enjoyed the scripts, there's even a novel to dive deeper into the story. So, grab a banana (or a ham-and-cheese sandwich) and join Banana Chan on her hilarious adventure!

BANANA CHAN Episode Scripts: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]

Episode Guide! - Concept Art - Some Scenes From This Series In Manga Form

Listen To: The Music Of Banana Chan

BANANA CHAN: The Illustrated Volumes (Click the book covers to read the full electronic books.)