Roku In Canada - FREE Live TV Tips

Live TV on the Internet
This web-page is made by a hobbyist, and isn't affiliated with the company called Roku ... though I'd like to be friends with them!
The author of this web-site suggests using an antenna where-ever over-the-air channels are available, plus having either cable or a similar paid streaming service, and also having a Roku for the variety of apps that offer FREE Live TV channels, channels that air content 24/7. Some Roku apps contain Live TV channels. If you are interested in free Roku apps that contain Live TV channels in English, this page will tell you the exact app names to search for, and we will give you a creative estimate of how many Live TV channels to expect from each of those apps. The apps which are on this list are the ones which contain feeds of free live TV channels that are primarily English-speaking, and which are available in Canada, but a lot of these should also be available elsewhere. The exact app names are underlined in the following list; just search those app names in the appropriate menu in your Roku's user interface. The idea is to promote learning and keeping entertained, and keeping ones-self engaged with culture, through television-watching. Below, I am listing these apps in a suggested order for how you may chose to arrange them on your Home Screen; to move/re-arrange apps on your home screen, highlight the app and press the (*) button.

The Roku Channel - This excellent and varied set of Live TV channels is great for most Live TV enthusiasts! To get to the channels, you have to select "Live TV" from either your Roku's home screen or the app's menu. When the guide appears, navigation is with the arrows; selecting a channel is accomplished with the "ok" button. When watching a Live TV channel through The Roku Channel, the guide can be called with the left arrow button on the directional pad on the remote.

StreamOnABudget Showcase FREE - This app is a showcase of excellent live TV channels that are available online. A true spectrum of entertainment options! I know that the creator of the app -- a blogger named Georges -- is passionate about keeping it relevant, so I highly recommend that you enjoy this app, and stay tuned for updates to the app!

YouTube - An increasing number of live streams on YouTube are actual television channels.

Pluto TV - It's Free TV - This groundbreaking app is full of great Live TV. Even though our Canadian version recently added the Crynchyroll channel (a channel I love), I still think they need even more anime.

PLEX - To access the Live TV section in PLEX, browse to their "Channel Guide;" click it, and it will bring up an EPG (Electronic Program Guide) that gives you access to an incredibly generous selection of Live TV channels!

Stremium - If you get a free account from their web-site, you will have access to a useful set of currently around 50 live channels on this Roku app. When watching a channel, the guide can be accessed with the "back arrow" button on the remote. The channels highlight many types of programs.

Tubi - Free Movies & TV - Here in Canada, this app includes a lot of live TV channels, including an awesome one called "Kartoon Channel!"

TikiLIVE - Select "Live TV" from the side-menu, and you will get access to several live channels.

CBC GEM - With a free account, you can access 14 live regional CBC TV stations from across Canada, plus some other specialty channels that are run by the CBC. With a premium account, you can access the CBC News Network.

Canadians with a cable subscription may want to 
       insert CTV at this part of their list/menu.
Canadians with a cable subscription may want to 
       insert Global TV at this part of their list/menu.

NTV+ - A Canadian channel from Newfoundland.

YES TV - After a quick sign-up/sign-in process, you get access to this app. When you first get into the app, you see a list of selections of things to stream, but you don't see their live channel; then, when you push the "back arrow" button in an attempt to leave, a menu shows up on the left side of the screen, and that menu includes a "Live TV" option; when you select that option, you get access to their three regional channels.

TV HUB - Contains a large selection of live TV channels, including movie channels. Push the up arrow on the directional pad, to access the channel menu which appears on the bottom of the screen. This is a very good free alternative to cable. It hasn't been updated in a while, so some of the channels do not work.

RetroCrush - Watch Free Anime - Although this app has a lot of anime that you can choose from, it also has a live stream of their anime channel, and live-streams of two channels of live-action Japanese entertainment; all three channels have an EPG. (As of a test on October 4th, 2024, the Live TV section glitched and didn't work.)

Freebie TV - In the "live" section, you have access to several news and news-themed channels.

Scripps News - It has a live stream of an American news channel.

DistroTV Free Live TV & Movies - A bunch of categorized live channels.

B-Movie TV - Although not entirely qualified as a live channel, it's mentioned here because it does have a daily schedule of programs which are on at specific times.

Talkin Live Classics TV - A live channel that features a lot of classic programs.

BYUtv - A live 24/7 channel with a lot of Mormon content. It can actually be fun to watch, even if you're not a Mormon. Give it a try! It's better than having a silent room with nothing going on.

Shout! TV - Currently offers 12 Live TV channels, some require a sign-up.

Haystack Local & World News - Contains some live news TV stations.

Red Bull TV - Live TV that is usually focused on taking sports and human experience to the extreme.

Scientology Network - Live TV from Scientology. Scientology is a religion that teaches its adherants a curricula about greater effectiveness in all aspects of life. Scientology's Volunteer Ministers travel and help out where needed. Scientology teaches its adherants ways of solving the problems that are addressed by psychiatry, so Scientology is therefore against the psychiatric industry.

Newsmax TV - Right-wing live news station. Without signing up for an account, you can only access the channel "Newsmax 2" where the shows aren't as up-to-date. With a paid account, you can access their main channel. Network - Most of their live channels are focused on religion. The last couple times I tried, I couldn't get any of their live content to play; I might delete this from this list if this issue persists.

Nextv International - Four channels that are free, three of which are live news channels in English. Unless you sign up for their $0 (free) English package, you only get one channel.

Atop Television Cable - If you aren't on a partnering ISP of theirs, which you probably aren't, you can still watch a free stream of a live TV channel called The Knowledge Network if you skip the sign-in screen.

GINIKO Plus TV - It has several Live TV channels. I recommend their channel called "Video Hub."

Glewed.TV - Over 40 live channels. Usually, an ad will run before the feed of your chosen channel loads.

CBS News - It has several live feeds of CBS News stations, including sports and an Entertainment Tonight channel.

Bel TV - A selection of channels, some of which are in English.

Flat Earth Channel - A television channel for Flat Earthers, generously welcoming curious minds. - 40 live channels, presented with an Electronic Program Guide.

Beacon Three 33 Networks - One live channel. It's about Faith & Family.

JasminTV - Some channels featuring short, visually appealing music videos with nearly nude, but (probably) never nude, women.

Bloomberg - A business news channel, in other words one of those things where people in suits talk about things that barely anyone really understands. And they are all very rich, because they are at least pretending to understand what they're talking about.

CatholicTV - An American channel that contains quite a lot of Catholic content.

B-Zone - One live TV channel that features "B-Movies."

VideoElephant TV - Several news channels, including entertainment news channels, with an Electronic Program Guide (EPG). It includes the channel "Insight TV" whose app I recently deleted from this list as their app stopped providing their channel. When you are on a channel that you want to watch, to remove the guide from the screen, you must press the "back arrow" button at the top of your Roku remote.

PEG.TV - A large selection of community access TV stations from a bunch of American cities. A person who is curious about the goings-on in American cities can really enjoy this.

NHK WORLD-JAPAN - A live channel that provides English-language news and cultural documentaries from Japan.

Dunn Vision Live TV - It lists many live channels -- if you push "up" on the directional pad on your remote -- but several of the channels do not work.

Dunn Vision News - As of the time I'm writing this, it has 14 live channels, mostly focused on news.

SSH101 TV - It always has some live channels, but very few of them are in English.

TVNOW - Contains one channel. It was playing an old horror movie on my most recent check for if it works.

CONtv - You can watch their anime channel for free.

KlowdTV - They have a free package, with some channels. Sign up for their free package at their web-site. The free package includes the famous "InfoWars" channel, a channel which I believe is occasionally essential viewing.

It's Real Good TV - It has a live TV section with three channels.

EWTN Canada - Contains a live stream of a Christain channel called EWTN. Every day, they have a mass.

Boston Big Network - Although most of the channels in here are not in English, there are English language movie channels in here.

Dupont Network(TM) - Has two live TV channels, but you need a free account (and I don't see any problems with this).

eBaba - This app is a good one, and the fact that it isn't higher on this list is proof that this list is in no particular order. The app has a lot of channels that you can access with a free account; and you can add your favourite of the app's channels to a "favourites" list, making your favourite channels from this app easier to access. It's one of those apps that can be "the only app you need" for some people.

AUSFTA - It has a menu which lets you select from a lot of Australian TV channels. Only some channels work (at the time of writing this), but enough good ones work that this app is worth mentioning. I will update this description if/when I notice that they've fixed it.

Down Under Live TV - A copy of the previous app on this list; when a channel you want to watch doesn't work on that app, try it on this one.

Up Next Tv - 9 channels, with a guide. At the time of writing this, one of the channels is an anime channel (something I want more of!).

Real America's Voice - A live news channel that seems to be an American Right-wing channel.

Free Movies & TV - There is only one live channel on this app; and when I checked it, it was playing a really old movie.

TMS TV - Has three live channels, including a movie channel.

Radiant TV - More than 10 live TV channels, with an optional Electronic Program Guide.

the original Creature Features - 1 TV channel.

Z SUPER CHANNEL - A mix of live TV channels and Video On Demand content.

VIVALIVE TV - An amazingly long list of channels; many are not in English, but it does also have a lot of English channels on it, which are quite good. This is one of those apps where you can skip the sign-in (just click "cancel").

NOST - The Nostalgia Channel - A good place for those black-and-white programs that reflect the fiction from earlier times.

KORTV - Korean Entertainment 24/7 - Some of the channels in here are English speaking, and some have English subtitles. This just may be a place to go to keep up with K-Pop trends.

Mometu - This app contains access to several Live TV channels.

American Horrors - The app instantly connects you to a horror channel.

Free Movies & TV with Rewarded TV - A bunch of channels, with an EPG.

Infini TV Network - A bunch of independent channels, with an EPG.

XPTV1 - A channel for Americans who live overseas, which focuses on the musical culture of the USA.

XPTV2 - A channel for Americans who live overseas, which focuses on yesterday's television programs with cultural significance to Americans.

XPTVUS - A channel for Americans who live overseas, which focuses on programs that are worthy of being binged.

PopWorld TV - A music channel, focused on pop music.

CarbonTV - Browse to its 'Live TV' section, and you will find access to a lot of channels.

Brighteon - A channel with political and health talk and news shows.

Rumble - You can find a "live" section, and a "24/7" section, each which do include some actual TV channels.

fomo tv - The app includes 3 Live TV channels.

Wowza Tv - This app features a lot of free Live TV channels.

AH! TV Network - This app features some free Live TV channels.

Genesis Science Network - A Live TV channel featuring programs that view science through a Biblical lens.

DingoTV - Features a long list of Live TV channels, some which might not work in your area.

NewsX - Two English-language news channels from India.

4ACETV - Usually, at least one of their live channels is working. If you use this app and none of the channels are working, send me an e-mail and I might remove its listing from this page.

iDreamCTV - A decent selection of channels, with an Electronic Program Guide.

Euro Indie Music Chart TV - A live TV channel that focuses on European music.

QCTV - This app features some live TV channels.

NOTE: This page focuses on free and legal content, so I didn't mention GlobalTV, CTV, River, or V Media, because they charge fees. This page is not actually affiliated with Roku; it is a resource I created and which I update, for fellow users of and appreciators of Roku.

This page is continuously under construction. If any of the above mentioned Roku apps no longer work, or are no longer available in Canada, or no longer offer Live TV, or if you're in Canada and you have discovered a Roku App that isn't mentioned here, which contains some Live TV on it, send me an e-mail at - Also, send me an e-mail if you think there is a detail I should either include or not have included in my description of an app. - please note that some providers of Live TV on Roku in Canada will not be mentioned on this page, no matter how often you suggest them, due to certain personal editorial reasons, reasons which I never have to disclose. Also, I am under the impression that all of the apps mentioned here are legal; if you have any contrary information, please alert me.

Author Alan Holman's Microcosm