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Because the series is an epic wherein some episodes can cover entire phases in Banana's life, characters evolve frequently throughout the series. So this profile is supplimental information regarding who Banana was during the time when episode 1 took place.

NAME: Banana Chan (Real name: Lacy Chan)

AGE: 11

HEIGHT: 4'8"

WEIGHT: 94 lbs

HAIR COLOUR/LENGTH/APPEARANCE: Long orange hair that goes half way down her back.


SKIN: She's drawn caucasian even though she's a Japanese girl with some Chinese ancestors.

LOOKS: I'm not going to comment about an eleven year old girl's "looks".

APPEARANCE: She appears to be human.

CLOTHES: She goes to a school that uses uniforms, but casually she's a "jeans and t-shirt" type of person.

IN THE STREETS: Jeans and t-shirt. Sneakers. Brightly colored socks.

SOCIAL STATUS: Members of older generations hold some prejudice against her family because she's a member of a bloodline who lost a particular battle in Japan's feudal era. But her bloodline is more complicated than that ... some people honor her family highly.


LIKES: Video games, cola, take-out, chips.

DISLIKES: Things that make her sad.


WEAKNESSES: Somewhat shy.

PERSONALITY: "Take no shit."

HISTORY: Born in Rain, Japan. Spent time in Tokyo.

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