Welcome to My Thoughts And Opinions About Television!


I think that the government wants everyone to be provided for; and I think that they want accessible paths to provisions for everyone for whom they aren't currently providing. I think the main conspiracies that exist are plots to end starvation and poverty and crime and war. And I think that the main agendas that are being embedded in film and television and news are to teach the audience the wisdom that can come from all kinds of paths and choices.


I love television. I think that television is important for mental health, and I also think that it is important for cohesion within a healthy society.

The history of television is a captivating journey that spans over a century, marked by technological advancements, cultural shifts, and the gradual integration of this revolutionary medium into our daily lives. From its humble beginnings as an experimental technology to its current status as a ubiquitous source of entertainment and information, television has undergone a remarkable evolution.

First Television Broadcasts:

The origins of television can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with inventors and scientists making strides in the development of this groundbreaking technology. One of the pioneers in this field was Scottish engineer John Logie Baird, who successfully demonstrated the first working television system in 1925. Baird's historic achievement led to the first-ever public demonstration of television in 1926, captivating audiences with its black-and-white images transmitted over short distances.

The first official television broadcast occurred on July 13, 1930, when Baird transmitted a performance by the ventriloquist dummy "Stooky Bill" and a human singer, creating a sensation among viewers. This milestone marked the beginning of a new era in communication and entertainment.

Emergence of Television Networks:

As television technology continued to develop, the concept of television networks emerged to provide organized programming schedules to a growing audience. The United States witnessed the establishment of the first commercial television network, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), in 1926. NBC pioneered the structure of broadcasting that included a mix of news, entertainment, and sponsored content.

The 1930s saw the expansion of television networks, with the formation of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) in 1927 and the Mutual Broadcasting System (MBS) in 1934. These networks played a crucial role in shaping the landscape of television broadcasting, offering a diverse range of programs to viewers across the nation.

Early Television Programming:

The programming during the early days of television reflected the experimental nature of the medium. Shows were often live, unscripted, and featured a variety of genres, including drama, comedy, variety shows, and news. Notable programs from this era include "The Ed Sullivan Show," which showcased diverse talent, and "Texaco Star Theater," hosted by Milton Berle, known as "Mr. Television."

As technology advanced, so did the quality and variety of programming. The 1950s witnessed the rise of iconic shows like "I Love Lucy," the first sitcom to be filmed in front of a live audience, and "The Twilight Zone," which explored science fiction and the supernatural. Television quickly became a central aspect of American households, shaping cultural conversations and influencing societal norms.


The history of television is a tale of innovation, experimentation, and cultural transformation. From its inception as a novel technology to the establishment of networks and the diversification of programming, television has become an integral part of our daily lives. As the medium continues to evolve with the advent of digital technologies and streaming platforms, its rich history serves as a testament to the enduring power of visual storytelling and its ability to connect people across the world.

I like to write stories in the form of television scripts, and I'd like them to be noticed by someone in the television industry who can produce and broadcast them.